Thursday, January 28, 2010

Respect the Flag

We've got flag poles is the Village that no self respecting run-down trailer park would allow.
I hoped someone would write a nice letter to the Village Voice newspaper (an outstanding weekly publication with very good reporters in my opinion). But on my blog I can blow off some steam.
What's a flag pole for - to fly the American Flag. If these people don't wish to fly the flag that's fine, but get rid of your junk poles!
I've had buddies who will never be the same fighting under that Banner. By "not the same" I mean mentally, physically and the ultimate - death for their nation.
I hope they get the message because this spring I'm going to visit the property owner of every piece of ground in this Village with a rusted-out flag pole. I will be very nice, help if I can and if they don't want to do anything about it, that's their right as Americans.
Just take a look at all the nice poles and flags in our village. No police officer or fireman would allow their flag to fly tattered or flag pole to rust out like a piece of junk. I'm just glad this is not 1967 and my platoon saw this. I doubt they would be as polite.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Hot Springs Village has some of the coolest churches (in my opinion). It's got everything for everybody if you just look. I've been a United Methodist most of my life until I switched to Congregational Methodist some years ago.
I was less than happy with the way the U.M.C. handled it's resources (money) and the voting structure that favored Bishops and District Directors over the members (laity).
I attended a small country church near my farm where it was not uncommon for a farmer to jump off his tractor during planting or harvest season and hurry over for services.
It's different here.
I took a few pictures yesterday, January 24, 2010 and put the video on YouTube at
Of course I can do a better one when I have the time as I put this one together in about 20 minutes. The picture I've used here is a peaceful place of prayer and meditation. After all, isn't that what gets me closer to God's will for me?
Most other churches want to show their building - I don't. A building is not God but mankind is a vessel for His glory.
Take care and God Bless! H. R. Goodman, Jr.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Commie Liberals Start Losing - BIG!

Note to Far Left, Commie, Liberal Dems: Please note the following, you're through taking this country to communism! Yours truly, Scott Brown
Coakley said she received a phone call from President Barack Obama: “He actually just called me before I came onstage to say that we can’t win
Read more:

The Coakley adviser's memo:
National Dems Failed to Aid Coakley Until Too Late

— Coakley campaign provided national Democrats with all poll results since early December

— Coakley campaign noted concerns about "apathy" and failure of national Democrats to contribute early in December. Coakley campaign noted fundraising concerns throughout December and requested national Democratic help.

— DNC and other Dem organizations did not engage until the week before the election, much too late to aid Coakley operation

Brown Capitalized on Concerns About National Democrats

— From the beginning, Brown labeled President Obama's health care and cap and trade plans as tax increases. Polling throughout the race showed this to be the most effective attack on Coakley.

— Coakley's lead dropped significantly after the Senate passed health care reform shortly before Christmas and after the Christmas Eve "bombing" incident. Polling showed significant concerns with the actions of Senator Nelson to hold out for a better deal. Senator Nelson's actions specifically hurt Coakley who was forced to backtrack on her opposition to the abortion restriction amendment.

— Democrats concerns with Obama's Afghanistan plan forced Coakley to oppose the Afghan war in the primary, which hurt her in the general.

Claims about Coakley's Scant Campaigning and Miscues Were Exaggerated

— Because of the failure of national Democrats to support Coakley, she was forced to devote significant time to fundraising in December. She also released a variety of plans in December and had a public event nearly every day.

— Coakley's failure to release television advertisements until 12 days before the election was the result of a fundraising problem that national Democrats failed to resolve. Meanwhile, right-wing groups pumped significant amounts of money into Brown’s campaign, allowing him to go up with ads first, including negative attack ads funded by the Swift Boat and Willie Horton groups.
UPDATE: A White House official e-mails: "It's a little mind-boggling to see political consultants spin the election before the election is even over. There's only one reason to do that."
Are the Dems going to pound each other to death because of Osama Obama?

The best I could do is get a senior party official to respond to the Coakley memo on background. Rest assured -- this is a SENIOR party official, not some junior party official who is freelancing. This response represents what the DNC, DSCC and the White House think about the Coakley campaign.

"This memo is a pack full of lies and fantasies - The DNC and the DSCC did everything they were asked and have been involved in the race for several weeks not just the last one -The campaign failed to recognize this threat, failed to keep Coakley on the campaign trail, failed to create a negative narrative about Brown, failed to stay on the air in December while he was running a brilliant campaign. It's wishful thinking from a pollster, candidate and campaign team that were caught napping and are going to allow one of the worst debacle in American political history to happen on their watch that they are at the 11th hour are going to blame others. Before the DNC and DSCC got involved there was barely a single piece of paper on what the narrative is on Brown. The candidate in this race and the campaign have been involved in the worst case of political malpractice in memory and they aren't going to be able to spin themselves out of this with a memo full of lies."

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blance Lincoln disgraces Arkansas, women & humans in general

A new Rasmussen poll suggests Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) is in serious danger heading into 2010, with her trailing all four Republican challengers.

State Sen. Kim Hendren is ahead of Lincoln by 47%-39%; state Sen. Gilbert Baker is ahead 51%-39%. Businessman Curtis Coleman is ahead 48%-38%, and businessman Tom Cox is ahead by an identical 48%-38%. The margin of error is ±4.5%.

From the pollster's analysis: "If the race remains a referendum on Lincoln and the performance of the Democratic leadership in Washington, it could remain a difficult race for the incumbent. If that happens, Lincoln will have to hope for a stronger economy and an improved environment for Democrats nationally."
• AR-Sen: Alleged United States Senator Blanche Lincoln is whinging that actually doing her job in December cost her $300,000 in fundraising receipts. This is probably her way of saying her numbers will be lighter than expected this quarter. Why on earth would you go public with this, though? This is not exactly the kind of message you want to communicate to the public - or your opponents. (D)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Matt Lauer, far left jerkaholic talking head

I saw Lauer trying to rip into McCain over Sarah Palin, not that the far left still wants to try beat-up on an unsuccessful presidential candidate. The left wing wacko's like Lauer just never stop. He may be jealous a babe like Sarah wouldn't want to talk to that creep.
Lauer's first wife, Nancy Alspaugh got rid of his sorry ass by DIVORICE!
The he got engaged to Kristen Gesswein.
He's got another wife now, Annette Roque (aka Jade Roque).

"I wouldn't know," McCain said. "The fact is that I'm proud of Sarah Palin, I'm proud of the campaign we waged, she energized our party, she will be a major factor in American politics in the future, and I'm proud of our campaign."

Somewhat taken aback, Lauer told McCain that he found it "somewhat surprising" that he didn't know anything about the vetting process, adding "You were the presidential candidate." (to which McCain should have said "and you were are and forever be an asshole" but McCain has a lot more class than Lauer.)

McCain testily shot back by saying that he had no intention of "looking back over what happened over a year ago," adding, "I'm sorry, you'll have to get others to comment on it."

Buying (renting) A Home In The Village

When my friends Bill and Sue bought their home in HSV, they told me Deb Seibert did a real good job and worked hard for them. I guess there's a lot of good real estate people in the area.
I used Deb Seibert to find me a house too. She was sure patient with this old retired cop, but worked overtime for me.
Like I said at the top of the post, I don't let anyone call my shots, the things I like and don't like here are just my opinions.
You're welcome to your opinions and so is everyone else as long as they agree with mine. I don't mind loaning opinions out to worthy people either.
She's at 501-922-5252 or . By the way, she didn't have anything to do with this and I didn't tell her I was putting on my blog, after all it's still a free country with a 1st amendment, right?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Ramona's good food in HSV

Ramona's Kitchen is a good place to eat in the village.
I'll tell you what it's like; kind of home spun, friendly and relaxing.
I usually have lunch there and it's good. They also have breakfast and coffee in the morning and supper in the evenings.
The servers are real nice, that's K.C, Ramona (the owner) and "Little Debbie" in the front. That guy in the back is a fellow I know from Missouri.
Coming in from the HSV west gate, just take a left at the first stop sign you see a few miles in, then take a left. You'll see a Regions drive-through Bank on your right and turn right just after that. It's a little strip type center and Ramona's is in the middle to the end.
Anyway, it's H. R. approved so come on by and say howdy ya' all.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Reid apologizes for 'Negro dialect' comment

Whenever I do something stupid, I can just look at this person, Dingy Harry (D), and feel better about my self.
Reid's approval rating is going down faster than the U. S. Dollar. Even the far left wacko Democrat SpokesTV, CNN (D) noticed it.
January 9, 2010 Reid apologizes for 'Negro dialect' comment Posted: January 9th, 2010 04:45 PM ET From CNN Political Editor Mark Preston
Washington (CNN) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid apologized Saturday following reports he had privately described then-candidate Barack Obama during the presidential campaign as a black candidate who could be successful thanks in part to his “light-skinned” appearance and speaking patterns "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
Journalists Mark Halperin and John Heilemann reported the remarks in their new book “Game Change,” which was purchased by CNN Saturday at a Washington-area bookstore. The book is slated for official release next Tuesday.
“He (Reid) was wowed by Obama's oratorical gifts and believed that the country was ready to embrace a black presidential candidate, especially one such as Obama - a ‘light-skinned’ African American ‘with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one,’ as he said privately. Reid was convinced, in fact, that Obama's race would help him more than hurt him in a bid for the Democratic nomination," they write.
“I deeply regret using such a poor choice of words,” Reid said in a statement to CNN.


Did you notice that even though The HSV Pundit and CNN are on opposite sides of the political spectrum, the HSVP actually site its sources. CNN (D) likes to use sources such as "they say" or "how do you respond to rumors". I guess that's just because the HSVP has journalistic integrity. Is that one of the CNN Talking Heads (D) or Dingy Harry giving me the finger. Sorry if the truth hurts.

Friday, January 8, 2010

HSV Computer Club

This morning was my first computer club meeting in the Village.
We had a group picture some years ago but we've all aged a bit since then. I'm in the first row, first boy on viewers left wearing bibs.
That's one of the things about Hot Springs Village I like so, you name it and there's probably a club. I would had to drive more than an hour to find a computer club back at my old place. Here at
HSV we have so many clubs, and I love to talk and learn about computers.
I joined the club today, I guess I can afford $15 for one years membership.
Anyway, I really had a good time and look foreword to the discussions.
This is my Dad's class in 1922 when I think they only had dial-up modems. Gee, how did they ever survive?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More Weather Coming

We may be looking at snow tonight but who knows? I went to the Doctor in the Village today for my regular check-up and saw a pal at Good Samaritan.
Here I am in the south and the temp is going to be a low of 14 on Thursday then 9 and 13 Friday and Saturday. I may hit the Caymans again.
This is the stream behind my shack. When the beach is crowded I go there for relax time.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ice Day

It's too bad my first post of 2010 is on ice, but things happen. We had some fine snow yesterday which turned to ice. I did a 360 going down my hill around 8 AM, Monday, January 4, 2010 and ended up on the side of the road. The good news was I didn't hit anybody or anything, plus it's the first time I've seen the rear of my car pass the front. An hour later it was warm enough to get moving. On the bad news side I would have been just as happy if it never happened at all (an idea borrowed from one of my favorite authors, Sir Winston Churchill).
Ice does not care if you have front, rear, four, or all wheel drive. Once it takes control, especially on these hills or mountains, you are done steering. Scout ahead, go slow or don't go. It's best to have a bait car in front of you driven by someone you don't like. Stay back and if you see them go off the road you'll know to turn around and go back.