Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Ice Day

It's too bad my first post of 2010 is on ice, but things happen. We had some fine snow yesterday which turned to ice. I did a 360 going down my hill around 8 AM, Monday, January 4, 2010 and ended up on the side of the road. The good news was I didn't hit anybody or anything, plus it's the first time I've seen the rear of my car pass the front. An hour later it was warm enough to get moving. On the bad news side I would have been just as happy if it never happened at all (an idea borrowed from one of my favorite authors, Sir Winston Churchill).
Ice does not care if you have front, rear, four, or all wheel drive. Once it takes control, especially on these hills or mountains, you are done steering. Scout ahead, go slow or don't go. It's best to have a bait car in front of you driven by someone you don't like. Stay back and if you see them go off the road you'll know to turn around and go back.

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