Thursday, January 28, 2010

Respect the Flag

We've got flag poles is the Village that no self respecting run-down trailer park would allow.
I hoped someone would write a nice letter to the Village Voice newspaper (an outstanding weekly publication with very good reporters in my opinion). But on my blog I can blow off some steam.
What's a flag pole for - to fly the American Flag. If these people don't wish to fly the flag that's fine, but get rid of your junk poles!
I've had buddies who will never be the same fighting under that Banner. By "not the same" I mean mentally, physically and the ultimate - death for their nation.
I hope they get the message because this spring I'm going to visit the property owner of every piece of ground in this Village with a rusted-out flag pole. I will be very nice, help if I can and if they don't want to do anything about it, that's their right as Americans.
Just take a look at all the nice poles and flags in our village. No police officer or fireman would allow their flag to fly tattered or flag pole to rust out like a piece of junk. I'm just glad this is not 1967 and my platoon saw this. I doubt they would be as polite.

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