Thursday, January 14, 2010

Blance Lincoln disgraces Arkansas, women & humans in general

A new Rasmussen poll suggests Sen. Blanche Lincoln (D-AR) is in serious danger heading into 2010, with her trailing all four Republican challengers.

State Sen. Kim Hendren is ahead of Lincoln by 47%-39%; state Sen. Gilbert Baker is ahead 51%-39%. Businessman Curtis Coleman is ahead 48%-38%, and businessman Tom Cox is ahead by an identical 48%-38%. The margin of error is ±4.5%.

From the pollster's analysis: "If the race remains a referendum on Lincoln and the performance of the Democratic leadership in Washington, it could remain a difficult race for the incumbent. If that happens, Lincoln will have to hope for a stronger economy and an improved environment for Democrats nationally."
• AR-Sen: Alleged United States Senator Blanche Lincoln is whinging that actually doing her job in December cost her $300,000 in fundraising receipts. This is probably her way of saying her numbers will be lighter than expected this quarter. Why on earth would you go public with this, though? This is not exactly the kind of message you want to communicate to the public - or your opponents. (D)


Anonymous said...

cum on village punit, i like her i thnl then stimilis and free helth care is good. if you were poor lik me youd need a biger govrmnt chck lik i do. i hop you rot
the arkensaw trvler

Tom Farrow said...

The problem with so many now trying to unseat Ms. Lincoln, and all attempting to co-op the Tea Party candidate moniker, I fear the votes will be so dispersed that in reality her chances are better than we think. The field claiming to be conservative needs to be narrowed down so the pretenders may be tossed to the side.