Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Matt Lauer, far left jerkaholic talking head

I saw Lauer trying to rip into McCain over Sarah Palin, not that the far left still wants to try beat-up on an unsuccessful presidential candidate. The left wing wacko's like Lauer just never stop. He may be jealous a babe like Sarah wouldn't want to talk to that creep.
Lauer's first wife, Nancy Alspaugh got rid of his sorry ass by DIVORICE!
The he got engaged to Kristen Gesswein.
He's got another wife now, Annette Roque (aka Jade Roque).

"I wouldn't know," McCain said. "The fact is that I'm proud of Sarah Palin, I'm proud of the campaign we waged, she energized our party, she will be a major factor in American politics in the future, and I'm proud of our campaign."

Somewhat taken aback, Lauer told McCain that he found it "somewhat surprising" that he didn't know anything about the vetting process, adding "You were the presidential candidate." (to which McCain should have said "and you were are and forever be an asshole" but McCain has a lot more class than Lauer.)

McCain testily shot back by saying that he had no intention of "looking back over what happened over a year ago," adding, "I'm sorry, you'll have to get others to comment on it."


Anonymous said...

Hey H.R. Didn't Lauer go to Ohio University and flunk out.
I think you know another guy in the Village who went to Ohio U. Isn't it Stan or Stu or Sam or Steve or something like that?
Your right, Lauer is a HorsePecker.
from the
"19th Hole Group"

Anonymous said...

Mr.Lauer, is in my opinon connected at the hip to most of the other media people, Academia, Hollywood, minorities, welfare recipients, union members, and the former Mass.senator, butthole Kennedy. he cannot be objective relative to those who create businesses, work to advance themselves, pay their bills, are law abiding and don't default on
their loans, and are considered conservative. Thus, he is not considered a quality news person by those who hate Fox News.

The Tall Hog